Call for DHOxSS Workshops


The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School (DHOxSS) is a major annual international training event in Digital Humanities hosted at the University of Oxford. Delegates attending the summer school participate in one of the 5-day workshop strands running in parallel with other workshop strands. The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2015 will run from 20 - 24 July 2015 mostly at St Anne's College and IT Services.

Workshops are organised by members of the University of Oxford and the workshop organiser is responsible for the organisation of the workshop as part of the DHOxSS. If you would like to submit a DHOxSS 2015 workshop proposal please complete the form at before *5pm on Friday 12 December 2014*.

The form asks for basic contact information for the organiser, a brief description of the proposed workshop, and possible expenses. We realise information may be tentative and approximate at this stage. DHOxSS does not pay for speakers’ or organisers’ time, but will invite them to evening events as some recompense.

For speakers from outside of Oxford we expect to be able to cover UK travel and accommodation during the DHOxSS. As we need to be able to budget for this, we ask for approximate travel costs and if accommodation is needed. Submitted forms will be reviewed by the DHOxSS 2015 Organisational Committee.

Workshops run in parallel for the full 5 days. Each day of each workshop has a morning session (1.5 hours) and an afternoon session (3 hours + a 30min break). The audience is mixed, mostly postgraduate or early-career but with a significant minority of participants (particularly attending more technically advanced workshops) being at later career stages, in humanities, libraries, and cultural heritage sectors. For more information please see the website or for last year's DHOxSS see

Workshop organisers are responsible for the organisation and smooth running of the workshop, sourcing tutors, and acting as liaison with the administration. If you want to propose a workshop but don't have all the details sorted out yet (e.g. who might deliver some talks) then complete what information you have or get in touch. If you think you may wish to collaborate on or contribute to a workshop, but not organise one, then get in touch.

If you need help or advice in preparing a workshop proposal you may ask the DHOxSS organisational committee or the director


Digital Humanities