Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2016

The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School (DHOxSS) is a major annual international training event at the University of Oxford. DHOxSS is the largest Digital Humanities summer school in Europe. In 2015, it had 163 participants and 87 speakers, across 8 week-long workshop strands. In 2016 DHOxSS will run 4–8 July 2016, based at St Hugh's College.
Workshop strands run in parallel for 5 days, totalling about 22.5 hours of teaching each (pending finalized timetable). Workshop organizers are responsible for delivering this tuition. Participants' learning is broadened over the week through 5 hours of additional lectures, which are arranged by the DHOxSS Organizational Committee.
DHOxSS is delighted to invite speakers and organizers to some of the summer school’s evening events, for example the research poster and drinks reception, in acknowledgement of their work and to encourage collegiality amongst speakers, organizers, and participants. There is no payment available from DHOxSS for either organizers or speakers. We typically cover travel and accommodation expenses for speakers outside Oxford.
This is a call for both workshop organizers and those wishing to give these additional lectures.
Would you like to run one of DHOxSS 2016’s week-long workshop strands?
Workshops are organized by members of the University of Oxford. Organizing a workshop is voluntary, rewarding, an excellent opportunity to disseminate research methods, gain more experience teaching, and curate an international community around your research interests from amongst the diverse DHOxSS participants who come from all research backgrounds and career stages.
The workload of organizing a workshop is not insignificant, with effort required during the year as well as during the summer school. You will be responsible for the workshop's content and organization, and be supported by the Organizational Committee and the Events team.
Workshop organizers are responsible for:
- designing the workshop curriculum
- arranging speakers
- timely delivery of workshop information, including workshop timetable, session titles and descriptions, speakers' biographies
- delivering workshop teaching and materials
- liaising with the DHOxSS Organizational Committee and workshop speakers
At this stage, we are most interested in the idea of your workshop proposal. It may help you to think through what details you can now and consider approaching main speakers informally. You are not expected to have settled all the details, though indicative answers would be helpful in informing the Organizational Committee's decision.
Details of 2015's workshops are at There is more detailed information for potential workshop organizers at For more information, you can approach any member of the Organizational Committee (
The form asks for basic contact information for the organizer, a brief description of the proposed workshop, and possible expenses. We realize information may be tentative and approximate at this stage.
If you would like to submit a DHOxSS 2016 workshop proposal please complete the form at before 5pm on 30 October 2015.
Submitted forms will be reviewed by the DHOxSS 2016 Organizational Committee.
If you want help in formulating your workshop proposal, or want to speak on someone else’s workshop, please contact Pip Willcox, co-director of DHOxSS ( for support.
Additional Lectures
Would you like to share your digital humanities research or practical skills with DHOxSS participants?
Each year we invite one-hour lectures, typically from members of the University of Oxford, on digital work or research in the Humanities. They run in parallel with each other, pending final timetable 9.30–10.30am on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of the week.
If you would like to submit a DHOxSS 2016 lecture proposal please complete the form at before 5pm on 20 November 2015.
Giving a DHOxSS additional lecture is an excellent opportunity to showcase your digital humanities expertise, disseminate your research, and to broaden the participants’ knowledge and understanding of digital humanities work beyond the workshop they take.
For more information about speaking at DHOxSS see the FAQ at: If you want help in submitting your lecture proposal, or want to discuss suitable topics, do not hesitate to contact James Cummings, co-director of DHOxSS ( for support.