Are you interested in Digital Humanities? Are you involved in digital humanities research and/or teaching? We welcome your co-operation in research that is taking place to:
· Identify current and future digital humanities (DH) support needs;
· Explore demand for a national digital humanities network or association.
This is part of a project that the School of Advanced Study has commissioned, in collaboration with the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the British Academy and the British Library.The research is being carried out by an independent research company, Marketwise Strategies Limited.
Please help us by taking part in a short survey that:
· Asks about the digital humanities activity that you are aware of within your own institution;
· Seeks your views on the role that a national digital humanities network or association might potentially play.
Please do also forward this call to other colleagues within your institution involved in digital humanities research and/or teaching, or with an interest in DH so as to obtain maximum representation from academics involved in digital humanities in the UK.
Please click here to go to the survey.
The questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. At the end of the questionnaire, you will have an opportunity to enter a free prize draw, to win one of two prizes of a Blackwell Book Gift Card, worth £100.
If you prefer to complete the questionnaire in more than one session, then you can save your answers by clicking the Save button at the foot of the page. You can use the bar at the foot of each page to track your progress.
As this survey is being managed by Marketwise Strategies, it is completely independent of the University of London, the British Academy, the British Library and The Arts and Humanities Research Council. Responses will be treated in the strictest confidence and, in reporting back findings no attempt will be made to associate individuals with their responses. Furthermore, neither the School of Advanced Study nor the other commissioning organisations will be made aware of who has responded to the survey.
This research is being carried out in compliance with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. All data collected will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. If you would like to know more about the MRS Code of Conduct, please visit
The survey will be open until midnight on Sunday 8 October 2017.
If you have any queries about the research or the prize draw – then please contact Dr John Gibson at:
Digital Humanities