The Oxford X-Reality Hub, in collaboration with the (en)coding Heritage network, present the first hackathon at Oxford dedicated to immersive technologies: Immers-Ed Global Hackathon. The event, modeled upon programming hackathons, brings together participants to creatively solve problems in the course of three days of intense collaboration.
The event tasks participants with devising solutions to challenges which were created or amplified by the pandemic in one of four key areas: Cultural Heritage, Medicine, Education and Environmental Sustainability.
Participants are invited to apply either individually or together with colleagues, as part of a team. No experience with hackathons or technical knowledge is required, just curiosity and a passion for building, creating and learning.
Important Dates:
July 31st – Application deadline
Aug 7th – Announcement of acceptance
Sept. 27th – Hackathon starts
Sept 30th – Hackathon winning projects and awards are unveiled
For more information, including answers to commonly-asked questions, visit:
Apply here.
Organised by the Oxford X-Reality Hub in collaboration with TORCH (en)coding Heritage Network. University partners and sponsors include: the Oxford Heritage Network, Reuben College, the MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, and the Oxford Department of Education, and Oxford IT Services.
For questions, email