Digital Humanities Interests: I work in the Visual Resources Centre which forms part of the Department of History of Art. Part of my role is to support staff, students and researchers in the provision and creation of digital images for teaching, learning and research. I also provide access to the Department's analogue collections. I am interested in digital art history and ways to engage students with historic analogue materials through digital technologies. Currently within the Department I facilitate the use of our in-house database OxCLIC which uses the MDID3 platform. OxCLIC (Oxford Community Led Image Collection) is an internal online image resource based on the MDID platform which was implemented and became operational within the Faculty from 2007-8. It is supported by Faculty administrative and IT staff who oversee its operation, access and content. It is currently used within the History Faculty to facilitate the teaching of Special Subjects with prescribed images, with the potential to support other History courses with visual elements. It is possible to upload scanned images, metadata and copyright information to create closed class groups and sets of images, and provide links to those sets of images from course sites in WebLearn.