Partner organizations (inside or outside Oxford): not specified
Project Description:
The Oxford Latin American Economic History Database (OxLAD) contains statistical series for a wide range of economic and social indicators covering twenty countries in the region for the period 1900-2000. Its purpose is to provide economic and social historians worldwide with a systematic recompilation of available statistical information in a single on-line source. The data presented in OxLAD have been selected with a view toward providing comprehensive coverage while ensuring as much consistency and intercountry comparability as possible in the definition, coverage, and valuation of the series. In doing so, it makes an important contribution to long-run comparative research on Latin America. The project on the economic history of twentieth century Latin America from which the database derives was initiated and funded by the Inter-American Development Bank, and resulted in the study published as Thorp, R. 'Progress, Poverty and Exclusion: an Economic History of Latin America in the Twentieth Century' (Washington DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 1998). OxLAD is the result of the collaboration of a number of scholars at Oxford.
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