TEI Summer School 2010

TEI Summer School 2010

1. Introduction


The TEI @ Oxford Summer School is a three day course introducing the recommendations of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) for encoding of digital text. It combines in-depth coverage of the latest version of the TEI Recommendations for the encoding of digital text with practical workshops on related technologies. It includes an introduction to mark-up, explanations of the TEI Guidelines, and approaches to publishing TEI texts. Practical exercises expose you hands-on experience of a wide range of TEI customisation, editing, and publication.


Each day will also include a number of afternoon 2.5 hour parallel workshops on related technologies and topics. These will include TEI Publishing; TEI for Language Resources; Transforming TEI with XSLT; TEI in Libraries; Creating a TEI-based Website with the eXist XML Database; and Genetic Editing: transcribing documents, transcribing the process. There will also be optional surgery sessions for those who wish to consult with TEI@Oxford about their particular projects or encoding issues. There will also be guest lectures from Digital Humanities experts familiar with the TEI talking about their own projects, including C. Michael Sperberg-McQueen (co-editor of the XML Spec and one of the founding editors of the TEI).


If you are a project manager, research assistant, or encoder working on any kind of project concerned with the creation or management of digital text, this course is for you.


The course runs from Monday 12 July - Wednesday 14 July, 2010. The course runs from 09:30 - 17:30 each day in our lecture rooms. Computers and software will be provided.

2. Course Programme


The details of the course programme is available below:





Monday 12 July


Tuesday 13 July


Wednesday 14 July


09:00 - 09:30






9:30 - 10:15


Introduction to the Course, Markup, XML and the TEI (LB)
Slides: XML or PDF


Metadata: The TEI Header and Manuscript Description (JC)
Slides: XML or PDF


Linking texts and images: non hierarchic structures (SR)
Slides: XML or PDF


10:15 - 11:00


Practical Exercise: oXygen and a basic TEI document
Exercises: XML or PDF


Practical Exercise: Describing a Manuscript in TEI
Exercises: XML or PDF


Practical Exercise: Marking-up facsimiles with the Image Markup Tool
Exercises: XML or PDF


11:00 - 11:30


Tea Break


Tea Break


Tea Break


11:30 - 12:15


Customising the TEI (SR)
Slides: XML or PDF


Names and Named Entities: people and places (LB)
Slides: XML or PDF


Transcription: representing texts in space and time (JC)
Slides: XML or PDF


12:15 - 13:00


Practical Exercise: Using Roma to customise the TEI
Exercises: XML or PDF


Practical Exercise: Annotating people and places
Exercises: XML or PDF


Practical Exercise: Encoding transcriptions
Exercises: XML or PDF


13:00 - 14:00


Lunch Break (included)


Lunch Break (included)


Lunch Break (included)


14:00 - 15:30


Parallel Workshops (2.5 hrs)


Parallel Workshops (2.5 hrs)


Parallel Workshops (2.5 hrs)


15:30 - 16:00


Tea Break


Tea Break


Tea Break


16:00 - 17:00


Workshops Continue


17:00 - 17:30


Guest Lecturer: Giles Bergel: The Wandering Jew's Chronicle project


Guest Lecturer: C. M. Sperberg-McQueen: Digitization, textual variation, and textual criticism: getting a better grip on the defiant multiplicity of textual traditions


Guest Lecturers: Gillian Evison, Alasdair Watson, and Yasmin Faghihi: Oxford & Cambridge Islamic Manuscripts Catalogue Online: OCIMCO




Suggested Evening Events (not included):
Visit to nearby Royal Oak Pub
(or some of the Shakespeare plays listed on Tuesday)


Suggested Evening Events (not included, some also available on other evenings):
William Shakespeare's The Tempest in Wadham College Gardens, 19:30 by the Oxford Shakespeare Company or
Romeo + Juliet at the Saïd Business School, 19:30 by the Creation Theatre Company or
Antony & Cleopatra in Trinity College Gardens, by the Oxford Theatre Guild or for something less traditional:
My Name Is Sue at the North Wall Arts Centre, 22:00 by Dafydd James and Ben Lewis


Suggested Evening Events (not included): Visit to nearby Royal Oak Pub
(or some of the Shakespeare plays listed on Tuesday).

3. Workshop Objectives


This three-day workshop combines in-depth coverage of the latest version of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Recommendations for the encoding of digital text with hands-on practical exercises in their application. If you are a project manager, research assistant, or encoder working on any kind of project concerned with the creation or management of digital text, this course is for you.


You should be generally computer literate (web, email, word-processors) for this course. You may already be broadly familiar with the idea of textual editing, perhaps (but not necessarily) with some experience of producing XML web pages, or of traditional scholarly editing. You should be enthusiastic about the possibilities offered by digital technologies and keen to learn more. You should be prepared to get your hands dirty at the keyboard and you should not be afraid of a little technical jargon.


At the end of the course we hope to have given you:

  1. a good grounding in the theoretical issues underlying the use of text markup, XML in particular;

  2. an understanding of the purpose and principles of the Text Encoding Initiative;
  3. a survey of the full range of modules constituting the TEI's current Recommendations;

  4. experience of how the TEI scheme can be customized for particular applications, and internationalized for different languages.

  5. an introduction to some of the tools and methods in which TEI documents are published and processed

  6. exposure to related technologies in up to three practical workshops


Using OUCS' excellent teaching facilities, we will also provide you with practical experience in:

  • using online tools to build, verify, and document a TEI-conformant schema

  • using XML editing software to

    • create new encoded texts

    • standardize existing digital texts

  • using a variety of web-based and desktop tools to display and analyse TEI documents


The course will be taught by the TEI@Oxford team: Lou Burnard, James Cummings, and Sebastian Rahtz, with the assistance of other invited TEI experts. Participants will be given a certificate of completion on the last day.

4. Registration


Registration for this course is by a survey form at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LKDWHXZ. You will be contacted by email after completing the form to arrange payment. Payment must be made in advance of the course.


As you can only attend one workshop each afternoon, there will be a survey closer to the workshop for you to rank your workshop preferences. While we cannot guarantee attendance at any particular workshop we will use your stated preferences from this later survey to attempt to accommodate your first choice.


Refreshments and buffet lunches each day will be included in the price.


Anyone booking and paying before the 4 June will receive a 10% discount.


If you have any questions relating to the course or registration, feel free to email: courses@it.ox.ac.uk.

5. Venue and Accomodation


The workshop will be held at Oxford University Computing Services (travel details ). No parking is available. Attendees are advised to use local transport to get from their accommodation to the conference. The two bus companies serving Oxford, Oxford Bus Company and Stagecoach, have online timetables. Most buses run to the centre of Oxford. Information about visiting Oxford is available from OxfordCity.co.uk.


Refreshments and lunch are included in the booking fee, though we cannot provide accommodation or evening events. Information is provided here about hotels and bed-and-breakfast accommodation; delegates are responsible for making their own arrangements.


There are many hotels and B&Bs in Oxford. The following sites list hotels, apartments and B&B accommodation in and around Oxford:

6. Evening Events


Included in the programme we have listed some optional evening events. These are simply events happening in Oxford during the time of the workshop that we think you might enjoy and are provided as suggestions for your consideration. We are not responsible for any of the events and cannot book you on those events.

7. Workshop Materials


Workshop Materials, including the slides of the talks and exercises will be made available here for reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution License. But please also tell us as well!