Practical Scripting 2014

Taking Control: Practical Scripting for Digital Humanities Projects

Organiser: Sebastian Rahtz (IT Services, University of Oxford)
Morning Location: Wolfson College, Seminar Room 1
Afternoon Location: IT Services, Windrush Room
Workshop Speakers: Alexander Dutton (IT Services, University of Oxford), Janet McKnight (IT Services, University of Oxford), Sebastian Rahtz (IT Services, University of Oxford) and Scott Wilson (IT Services, University of Oxford)

Workshop Abstract

There are many occasions during the life of humanities project when one needs to transform some data, generate an alternative output, or programme a visualization on a web page. This course will provide attendees with an understanding of scripting in general, and XSLT and Javascript in particular. We will learn about data formats like XML, CSV and JSON, and see how to manipulate them to provide input to statistical programs, data for visualizations, and output formats for publication. This is an intermediate-level workshop: some experience in some of the technologies mentioned would be beneficial and there are numerous practical exercises.

Workshop Timetable

Times Monday 14 July 2014 Tuesday 15 July 2014 Wednesday 16 July 2014 Thursday 17 July 2014 Friday 18 July 2014
Wolfson College, Seminar Room 1

"Data formats: XML, CSV, JSON, RDF etc. (lecture and discussion)"Sebastian Rahtz

"Making web pages (lecture) "Sebastian Rahtz

"Exploring web pages and understanding the debugger (lecture)"Scott Wilson

"Using JQuery addons (lecture) "Janet McKnightand Sebastian Rahtz

"Introduction to linked data (lecture)"Alexander Dutton

16:30-17:30 IT Services, Windrush Room

"XML investigation using XPath (practical)"Sebastian Rahtz


"Basics of XSLT (lecture)"Sebastian Rahtz


"Transformation using XSLT (practical)"Sebastian Rahtz

"Creating a web page from a digital text (practical)"Sebastian Rahtz


"Towards word-processor formats (lecture) "Sebastian Rahtz


"Making Word and OpenOffice documents using OxGarage (practical)"Sebastian Rahtz

"Exploring web pages and the debugger (practical)"Scott Wilson


"Introduction to JQuery (lecture)"Janet McKnight and Sebastian Rahtz


"Manipulating a web page using JQuery (practical)"Scott Wilson and Sebastian Rahtz

"Fancy tables on your web page (practical)"Janet McKnight


"Looking at the d3.js library (lecture)"Sebastian Rahtz


"Plotting data on a map (practical)"Janet McKnight

"Creating your own RDF (practical)"Alexander Dutton


"Understanding REST APIs (lecture) "Alexander Dutton


"Consuming an API (lecture and discussion)"Alexander Dutton and Sebastian Rahtz

"Conclusion"Sebastian Rahtz

Other Notes

Any other notes provided by the workshop organiser will go here if available.