All bursary applications are now closed!
DHOxSS 2014 Bursary Recpipients
DHOxSS 2014 NeDiMAH Bursaries
- Pauline Charbonnier (Campus Condorcet)
- Melanie Lucciano (Université Lille 3 Charles de Gaulle)
- Tiziana Mancinelli (University of Reading)
- Merisa Martinez (Högskolan i Borås)
- Manuela Vastolo (King's College London)
DHOxSS 2014 Oxford-only Bursaries
- Georgiy Grebnyev (Oriental Studies)
- Priyasha Mukhopadhyay (English)
- Lik Hang Tsui (Oriental Studies)
- Victoria Van Hyning (Zooniverse)
- Milena Zeidler (History)
About the DHOxSS 2014 NeDiMAH Bursaries
About: Thanks to NeDiMAH, DHOxSS was able to offer up to 6 bursaries of up to EUR 500 each for those attending the Humanities Web of Data workshop in particular.
Eligibility: Applicants should be early career researchers in the humanities, and must be working in participating NeDiMAH countries and priority will be given to applicants whose travel costs mean they would not otherwise be able to attend. 'Early Career Researcher' is defined as up to five years post-phd (or equivalent).
Bursary Coverage: These bursaries contribute up to EUR 500 towards incurred expenses in attending DHOxSS 2014 after the fact. They are not an automatically-applied discount on registration or other costs, you will need to register and pay via the normal route if you are a DHOxSS NeDiMah Bursary winner.
Application Process: Applications have now closed.
European Science Foundation Funding

The NeDiMAH bursaries given to some participants in this workshop are sponsored by the European Science Foundation (ESF). As a requirement of this funding this 'meeting' some details of participants are required to be provided to the ESF.
The ESF was established in 1974 to provide a common platform for its Member Organisations to advance European research collaboration and explore new directions for research. It is an independent organisation, owned by 67 Member Organisations, which are research funding organisations, research performing organisations and academies from 29 countries. ESF promotes collaboration in research itself, in funding of research and in science policy activities at the European level. Currently ESF is reducing its research programmes while developing new activities to serve the science community, including peer review and evaluation services.
About the DHOxSS 2014 Oxford-only Bursaries
About: Thanks to the John Fell OUP Research Fund, DHOxSS was able to offer a small number of bursaries to current University of Oxford DPhil students or Early Career Researchers.
Eligibility: DHOxSS Oxford Bursaries are limited to current University of Oxford DPhil students or Early Career Researchers. 'Early Career Researcher' is defined as up to five years post-phd (or equivalent) and currently employed by the University of Oxford.
Bursary Coverage: The bursaries pay for the registration costs to attend the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School, 14-18 July 2014. The full cost of registration to the Summer School is covered by the bursary including lunches and receptions, but notincluding the summer school banquet, accommodation, or other subsistence expenses. There is a separate registration procedure for DHOxSS Oxford Bursary winners, so do not register via the normal procedure.
Application Process: Applications have now closed.