
All teaching locations are within a 20-30 min walk of each other. A Google Map of some important venues and routes is available at:
Morning Venues
The DHOxSS registration and all morning sessions are at Wolfson College (Linton Road, Oxford, OX2 6UD). Some information and photos of the teaching spaces at Wolfson College are available at Information concerning how to get to Wolfson and a map of the site are available at:

Afternoon Venues
Most workshops the afternoon sessions are in the Thames Suite at IT Services - Banbury Road (13 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6NN). Some information and photos of the Thames Suite at IT Services is available at

The afternoon of the first day of the Introduction to Digital Humanities workshop will take place at the Pitt Rivers Museum (the entrance is via the Oxford University Museum Natural History on Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PW. The Pitt Rivers' entrance is at the far side of the ground floor). For the rest of the week the Introduction to Digital Humanities workshop remains at Wolfson College all day.
Evening Event Locations
Locations of evening events are:
- Monday Evening -- Welcome Drinks Reception and Poster Session: Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PW
- Tuesday Evening -- Guided Walking Tour of "Oxford Past and Present": City Centre Meeting Point: To Be Confirmed
- Wednesday Evening -- DHOxSS Dinner at Wadham College: Wadham College, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PN
- Thursday Evening -- TORCH Open Lecture: Venue to be confirmed
- Friday Evening -- Informal Pub Trip: Victoria Arms at Old Marston, Mill Lane, Old Marston, Oxfordshire, OX3 0QA
Travel Information
DHOxSS has gone mobile! There is a mobile app available for mobile, tablet, and web platforms. See to download this app. Start by downloading the App, tap "Download Guides" then "Redeem Code". Enter the code 'rbkxa9vs' and the guide will download to your device! (We recommend doing this on WiFi rather than mobile data.)
For information on transport to Oxford:
For travel details to Wolfson College please see:
For travel details to IT Services - Banbury Road please see:
There is no parking available at any of the teaching locations. If you need parking please consult the following webpage:
For those wishing to take the bus inside Oxford you may take any #2 bus on Banbury Road going to/from Wolfson College and pay a single fare (around £1.70 single, £2.80 return). In the city centre the #2 buses go from stop C1 outside of Sainsburys on Magdalen Street. To go to Wolfson College you want a single to St Margaret's Road and then to walk a short way up Banbury Road, cross to the other side, and walk down Linton Road to Wolfson College. The Oxford Bus Company does do a weekly 'Key' smartcard but this must be arranged in advance with them. All teaching locations are within a 20-30 min walk of each other.
For those looking to hire bicycles, you may do so from Bainton Bikes.